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Athelney Primary School home page Athelney Primary School home page

Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.


If you have any queries which are not answered below, please call us on 0208 697 2945 or contact us using the contact form here.


Athelney Primary is a two form entry primary school.


We are a fully inclusive school and are incredibly proud of our outstanding Resource Base for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder which opened in 2010. In 2016, we not only received the Inclusion Quality Mark Award, but we also became the only Centre of Excellence for Inclusion in the London Borough of Lewisham. In 2019 we became the first school in Lewisham to receive the prestigious Flagship Status for Inclusion. 


Joining our school - Reception to Year 6:


There are two methods of entry into Athelney:

1. Entry into Reception in September:

  • For entry into Reception in September you will need to apply directly to Lewisham Council Admissions and Appeals
  • Details of this are usually published by the start of the Autumn Term of the preceding academic year
  • Each year we hold school tours in the Autumn Term of the year preceding entry. School Tours will be on:         

Wednesday 13th November 9.30 AM and 11.00 AM

Thursday 28th November 9.30 AM and 11.00 AM

Thursday 5th December 9.30 AM and 11.00 AM 

Thursday 9th January 9.30 AM and 11.00 AM


Please email, call 02086972945 or use our short online form to book your place.


  • You can find out when your child will become eligible to start school here

2. Entry into Primary School except into Reception in September

  • If you would like your child to attend our school outside of school entry into Reception in September you will need to complete an iCAF (In-Year Common Transfer Form) which you can find on Lewisham Council's website.
  • This should be completed and submitted to Lewisham Admissions directly


Joining Rockets Nursery:

As of April 2024 we have started accepting 2 year olds into Rockets nursery in the AM and PM Sessions. 


Eligible working families and those on qualifying benefits are eligible for the Government’s free 15 hours of childcare from the term after they turn 2. To check your eligibility please visit the Childcare Choices website


3 and 4 Year Olds are eligible for the Government’s free 15 hours of childcare from the term after they turn 3. Currently we offer this as 5 morning OR 5 afternoon sessions per week. Morning sessions are 8.45 AM – 11:45 AM, and afternoon sessions are 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM.


We also offer 30 hour places to eligible 3 and 4 Year old children . Please see the Government's Childcare Choices website or Lewisham Council's website to find out more about criteria and eligibility.


We offer places based on our Admissions Policy which you can download below. 


To put your child’s name on the waiting list for a 15 or 30 hour Nursery place please complete the contact form below, providing ALL of the following information:

  • Your full name and address including postcode
  • The child’s full name and date of birth
  • An up to date contact number
  • Your email address
  • The name and date of birth of any siblings currently attending Athelney Primary

Rockets Waiting List

When we are offering places we will contact you by telephone or email. Please remember: It is your responsibility to keep us updated of any change in details. If, when we are allocating places we are unable to get in touch with you, we will move on to the next person on the waiting list.

You will receive an email informing you that your child’s name is on our waiting list.

King Alfred Federation Nursery and Pre-School Admissions Policy