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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Uranus Class Year Two

         Welcome to Uranus class.

Class teacher: Mrs McNally

Supported by: Miss Simpson & Mrs Acton

Welcome video Uranus 2020

Still image for this video

Welcome letter Uranus

              Multiplication Tables

Please support your child in learning the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. Here are some songs to support their learning:

2 Times Multiplication Tables Song

5 Times Multiplication Tables Song

The 10 Times Multiplication Table Song

Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

This is a cursive writing demonstration video showing how to write the letters of the alphabet in their precursive form, which will support your cursive (joined) handwriting. It models how to write the letters of the alphabet using pre-cursive script. Cursive handwriting is commonly taught in schools across the world.