Tier 4 Reduced opening
Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, Happy New Year to all of your families and our wider community, I sincerely hope that you’re staying safe and well.
As you will have seen it has now been decided all London Primary Schools will teach remotely for the next two weeks. Athelney’s home learning will commence on Tuesday 5th January. You will receive more exact details on this on Monday afternoon and our class webpages will be updated too.
From Tuesday 5th January school will be open for a small number of pupils whose parents are critical workers and some school identified vulnerable children. But at this point I need to be really clear, that for the next two weeks, this is only for a small number of children whose parents or carers are vital to the fight against COVID-19 or the Brexit agenda as the Government have outlined. Until there is more clarity on staff fitness, lateral flow testing and vaccinations the safest place for you, your children and our staff is to be at home.
As parents and teachers we have been torn by these last minute changes. It would be so much easier for everyone if we opened the doors to all as normal next week BUT we cannot do this as the science and data continues to tell us that it is not safe to do so.
Therefore, I would urge you to think really carefully whether you truly need your child in school over this next two weeks, and if you genuinely qualify. If you are a key worker and have nobody else to support your child then, please, of course, let me know by emailing me on athelneyhead@gmail.com and we will work together to see if we can accommodate your request. The proforma for your application is at the end of this email. All places are subject to us having enough fit and healthy staff on any given day to provide both face to face and remote provision.
So with this in mind please email me on athelneyhead@gmail.com by 11.30am on Monday 4th January, if you really need your child/children accommodated at school for the next two weeks. Places will be allocated on a highest need basis so priority will be placed on those working in the NHS/care profession with NO other childcare options. This is different to the March lockdown as we are now trying to protect our community from the new strand of Covid-19 which has already reduced our staff by 15% for week 1.
The plan for online provision will be regular webpage updates with photos and challenges added daily, videos linked to areas of learning in each year group via BBC bitesize and Oak Academy and email access to teachers within the year group (Not necessarily your child’s own teacher – as some may be ill, or in school with Critical worker pupils). Your classteacher(s) will send full details of our remote provision on Monday, ready for home learning from Tuesday.
In the meantime, please try and enjoy the last two days of the break. I will be in touch with everyone again on tomorrow ready for the start of term on Tuesday.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Dummer
Head of School, Athelney Primary
Name of parent/carer:
Best contact number:
Name of child/children and year group/s:
1. Please choose or highlight one of the below:
· My child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and I understand the risks posed by attending school
· My child/children has an assigned social worker
· My child/children meet other criteria of vulnerability- please contact me to discuss
2. I am a critical worker and sole carer for my family OR both parents are critical workers
If you are a critical worker, please tell us your employer and job role:
3. (optional)
Please help us by giving as much detail as you can at this time by indicating the following:
· We need a place Monday – Friday, every day.
· We work on these days of the week and need a place on:
Whilst we appreciate some working patterns will change, the information you give at this time will help us to consider the number of adults needed in school and the catering requirements for both children and staff.