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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Update on reopening of school for some groups

3rd June 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


Further my letter before half term I am writing to update you with our plans for the wider re-opening of both Athelney and Elfrida.


In my last letter I said that the once the date for schools re-opening was confirmed by the government, priority will be given to children in the following categories:

  1. The children of Critical Workers, and those employed in the fight against Covid-19 
  2. Children who have a Child In Need Plan, a Child Protection Plan or who are a Looked After Child (who are not already attending school)
  3. Those children who have an EHCP and it is determined, following risk assessment, that their needs can be as safely or more safely met, in the educational environment
  4. Children who have been assessed as vulnerable, and who could therefore benefit from continued attendance. For example, those living in cramped housing conditions, with no access to outside space or in temporary accommodation.
  5. Year 6 pupils


Since the easing of some lockdown measures we have had a significant increase in requests for places for children of critical workers, children with EHCPs and children who are vulnerable. Therefore we will be splitting the Federation hub from the week of the 8th June. This is so we are able to offer more places for pupils from those three groups whose parents have already registered their interest and are eligible.


During the week of the 8th of June both Athelney and Elfrida will be open to children from all year groups allocated a place using the above criteria. Children will be allocated one of six bubbles of up to 8 children. These bubbles will be taught, eat and play in isolation from each other and a number of social distancing and enhanced cleaning regime measures will be put into place. Whilst every effort will be made to socially distance children within the bubble we cannot guarantee this will always be possible due to the age of the children and the school environment.


Our ultimate priority is the safety of your children, so before we introduce more bubbles into the school, we need to be confident that we can manage the safety of children and staff within this new structure.


The school offices will remain closed to parents and visitors but are contactable by telephone and email from 8am – 4pm every weekday. Parents and visitors will not be allowed on site in order to protect the children and staff.


We will continue to provide on-line learning and class teachers will continue to provide online learning and to make contact with your children by telephone or class email.


Parents and Carers of children with allocated places will be contacted with the new safety arrangements, a starting date and the start and end times for their children.


I understand how difficult this situation is for you and I want to reassure you that we are committed to making the best judgements we can for the safety of our families and school staff and their families. These are challenging times and your support and understanding is paramount.


We hope that if our new system proves manageable and safe, that we may be able to consider opening to more children after these first 2 weeks. We will contact you again, nearer the time to update you with our plans.


Children should only return to school when they have received a start date and an email or letter confirming this from us and not before. Only children who have a confirmed allocated space may attend.


Yours Sincerely


Kathryn Wong