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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Pluto Class Year One


The class email is


Class Teacher: Ms Anumah

Class TA: Mrs Howell

Key Phase Leader: Ms Jones





Finish time 15.20 (14.20 ON FRIDAYS)

Please be on time at the beginning and at the end of the day.


PE IS ON THURSDAY. Your child must wear their PE kit to school on this day.


Swimming is on Friday. Your child must bring to school a swimming kit, hat and towel in a separate bag. 



Music is on Friday afternoon. We follow the sing up programme.




Children read in groups with adults three times a week. They will bring home their reading book so that they can read with you. Please make sure that you read for at least 5 minutes daily. It is important that they become familiar with the book so please don’t worry if you feel that you are repeating the same book. It is also important that your children have a story time at home where you read to them. We have a selection of books that the children can borrow. 





We use Little Wandle Scheme of work for phonics. Please look at the parents guide to help you support your child at home.

Summer 2

We have had a fantastic term! Our topic texts is Snail and the Whale  and Meerkat Mail  by Julia Donaldson and Emily Gravett respectively. We linked these text to Geography by looking the different climates visited by the Snail and the Whale. We learnt about Polar lands , Polar animal as well as Hot Places and animals that live there. 

We particularly enjoyed talking about, describing and learning about the desert in our travel journals. It was fun to learn about animals and people that live there.

We also visited The Maritime Museum in Greenwich to learn more about Polar worlds.

Sports Day


  We had a great and memorable sports day. Thank you to all the parents that came to support and cheered us up! Surely your presences encouraged us in our resilience which is one of our school values.

We are please to say that we have gone further by learning how to play hockey in school as part of our PE lessons.

Mini Beast Workshop.

Have you seen a curly haired spider or Royal Python Morph before? Pluto class had a fantastic opportunity to see these minibeasts and more in a workshop as part of our learning journey. We saw the Asian Forest Scorpion, African land Snail, Giant Red Millipede  and Tarantula. We learnt so much!

Welcome to Summer 1

This term, we have arranged a number of outdoor activities linked with our topic on toys and also to appreciate the upcoming warm weather. We shall be visiting the toy exhibition at the Horniman Museum Gardens and the Catford Library.





May 2033

We are going to be learning so much in Science this month. We plan:

1: To distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.

2:Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock.

3:Describe the simple physical properties of everyday materials.

11th May 2023

Today we went to Catford Library to return our books and look around. We want to say a big thank you to the staff for their patient and support. We always look forward your engaging and funny story time!

10th May 2023

As part of our topic on toys, we visited the Horniman Museum to look at and learn about toy around the world. We went on a toy trail to find some of the toys we have spoken about in class. We had a fantastic time at the museum and were delighted to see some real life animals. Our favourite animal was the alpaca. A big thank you to all the parents that came to support us.

5th May 2023



We had a colourful and fantastic parade to celebrate the King's coronation today. We made crowns out of recycled papers to support our King's passion for the environment. We also made  Union Jack flags for the parade. Long live the King!

24th to 28th April

Islam was our focused religion in RE this week. We learnt about Ramadan and Eid. We learnt that the most important festival in Islam is Eid ul-Fitr which takes place at the end of the month of Ramadan. People wear their best clothes, pray and feast over a few days. 

18th April to 21st April


We looked at our favourite toys and what makes them special to us. We were so delighted to bring our toys into school and share with our friends. We used adjectives to describe our toys.

Our favourite toys

Our chosen text on Toys and on materials in Science is Traction Man Is Here! By Mini Grey

Traction Man is Here- Read Aloud books for children


We have been looking at the environment and how our actions impacts on it this term. We looked at Dinosaurs and all that rubbish by Michael Foreman. This book offered us an imaginative and engaging way to talk about our responsibility for the planet. We made a class pledge to protect our planet by reusing, reducing and recycling our waste. We also made a class poster to remind us of our pledge.

We also read The Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton and discussed nature and things that grow. We celebrated nature by making 3D birds in one of our art lessons.



Our topic this term is Space. We got inspiration and ideas on our chosen topic from Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max and Look Up! by Nathan Bryon. We set up role play area as space stations/ observatory and created signs and labels for the area. We used vocabulary such as  astronauts, meteor showers, rocket, space suit as will help us to access the tests. We made links to some famous astronauts like Neil Armstrong and Mae Jamison ( First African - American woman in space) and looked at some of the things they did to help them to become successful.

                           AUTUMN TERM 2



       Homework Grid Autumn 2



We have had so much fun this term. We are thankful to our parents and carers for making this happen.

1st December 2022

We visited Catford Library today to register our class. Having a library card means we can always go back to borrow as many books as we want to share in class. We shared a story with the librarian and looked around. It was exciting to check our chosen books in.

We had fun at the library.

In English we have been reading 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy.

We talked about not being able to sleep at night and some of the noises that keeps as awake at night. We role played the story and used adjectives to describe Mr Bear's character in our writing.



Peace at Last



   7th November to 11th November 2022


We explored Autumn this week. We described Autumn and talked about the colours we can see, what we might wear and the sounds we hear around us in the Autumn season.

As part of our learning we visited Beckenham Place Park and did a nature hunt. We found lots of Autumn leaves, acorns, pine cones, conkers, mushrooms and squirrels. We had so much fun!


         31st October to 4th of November 2022



As part of our inclusive culture we learnt about and celebrated Diwali. We learnt that Diwali is also known as the 'Festival of Light' and marks the beginning of the new year in some parts of the world. We read about the story of Rama and Sita  and how it links to the celebration of Diwali. We made divas (lamps) out of clay and decorated them with rangoli designs and colours.

We made divas



The first half of the Autumn Term has flown by, and we have all had lots of fun.

Please read the Newsletter for more details and to find out what’s coming up in the next half term.

Children enjoying their learning

We use our creativity and thinking skills everywhere.

Our role play area

In Art, we painted our self portraits

Autumn 1 Homework Grid